Frankincense Royal Green Hojari (Boswellia Sacra) (Oman)

from 200,000 IDR

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Scientific name: Boswellia sacra

Can be used for food.

Aroma: fruity, with top notes and spices.

Initially, the Royal Green Hojari was only available to the Sultan of Oman and other royal officials. “Khujaris” or “Khojaris” come directly from the area located in the Sultanate of Oman, which is called “Khogar” in the local language. This area is the most famous land for producing the best incense varieties in the world without any competition.

Because the products we sell are substitutes for natural products, they can produce different colors, sometimes white, greenish and even yellowish colors can be obtained from the same type of resin.

Instructions for use:
Burn 1 block of charcoal briquettes with a fire (preferably a blowtorch) until the entire surface of the charcoal emits white ash. Place a small piece of incense to be used on the coals.

How to use:

– Can be burned with charcoal bricks.
– Consume 1-2 grains by chewing immediately.
– Soluble with water mixed with honey.
– Melted by burning on a spoon, then mixed with drinks.

Country of origin


Weight, gr

30, 50, 90