1. Please present yourself (Name, education, job, Civil status and …)

– My name is Ruslan Ocean. I was born in Russia in 1986, I really like to travel to different countries and acquire new knowledge from local masters and teachers. At the moment, I have been living for the second year on the beautiful island of Bali in Indonesia.In the past, a programmer and businessman from Moscow. Several years ago I found my true calling in this life and am engaged in sound healing (sound therapy).

  1. What is your artistic specialize?

– My specialization is called Sound Healing Master, or Sound Therapist. This is a very entertaining profession on the verge of interweaving art, science and ancient esoteric knowledge: a musician, a psychotherapist, a healer, a shaman, a guide and a friend for everyone in one person.

  1. When and how did you become interested in this field?

– I first encountered this trend several years ago at a spiritual shaman retreat in Portugal, during which amazing transformations took place in my consciousness, and where I revisited my entire previous life and realized that I could no longer live like this: do unloved work, eat bad food , to live in an environmentally unfriendly megalopolis – and that you need to start changing something before it’s too late and there is strength for it.

  1. Who was your motivator?

– In fact, this is not one person, but many: my close friends who helped and supported me a lot; a shaman from Portugal and his team of sympathetic people; just talented musicians who have chosen their own unusual path and are walking along it; my parents, who supported me from childhood and believed in my uniqueness; sound healing teachers from Nepal; different wonderful people who meet me in different parts of the planet and share with me their knowledge, vision, understanding of this world.

  1. What was your parent’s reaction?

– Initially, it was difficult for my parents to accept my changes and the new direction of my work, because it was incomprehensible and new to them, they considered it not serious enough, but now they see how much I am passionate about him and understand that I am finally happy that I found a job own life.

  1. When started you such as professional Sound Therapist? What is Sound Therapy?

– For several years I carefully studied this direction, but professionally came to work two years ago, when I completed training and practice in working with Himalayan singing bowls in their homeland – in the capital of Nepal – Kathmandu.Sound therapy is quite a powerful tool in working with the subconscious of people, working with psychosomatic problems, getting rid of internal psychological blocks (various reactions, internal programs laid down by parents in childhood or later by society, or by people who are unconscious of their actions) and bodily muscle clamps (settled in the body responses to external negative factors), removing accumulated stress from the body (which is quite relevant at the moment in large cities), can help in getting rid of chronic pain, and is also a natural anistetic, helps to cleanse the mind and is the most simple and convenient a form of meditation: the participant does not need to do anything, just lie down, immerse himself in the sound and enjoy. After the sessions, the participants share their feelings, emotions that came in the process, visions, visual images of the past or future, the understandings and insights that came to them, and improved well-being.Contact massage with singing bowls improves blood circulation and lymph flow, relieves muscle tension, allows vibration to go deep into tissues and provide a massaging effect comparable in effectiveness to three sessions of classic hand massage.In sound therapy, many ancient musical instruments are used, which have been used since ancient times by shamans of various tribes to introduce into a trance altered state, various healersCurrently, many studies of the work of these musical instruments are being carried out, scientists confirm their effective power, at the official level this subject is taught in large institutes of the USA and UK, application has begun in the fields of restorative sports medicine, the field of relaxation of spa centers, psychological hypnotherapy and many others.

  1. Are you thankful and happy because of your activities as Sound healing therapist and singing bowls master?

– Yes, I am very grateful to the Universe that, after many years, it finally led me to activities that I am delighted with: this is a relatively young direction in healing people, but it shows its effectiveness quite well both in combination with other spiritual and medical healing directions, and separately.

  1. Please tell us who is the master of singing bowls?

– A master of singing bowls, a sound healing master, a sound therapist is not just a musician playing relaxing music, as some people may confuse at the moment, including those who consider themselves to be sound healers (misconceptions arise due to the lack of specific uniform standards imposed on to this profession). In fact, he is a professional with a whole range of different qualities and skills: a musician who creates soft pleasant or intense live sound compositions; a psychologist who provides psychological support before and after the session; a meditation master, able to clear the mind and lead into the depths of the subconscious; a shaman who creates space and conducts transformational trance immersions; a healer who heals body and soul by working with vibrations and sound; a conductor between the mind and the subconscious, between the physical and spiritual world; a bodily practitioner who senses and sees visually the problems and blocks of people. And this is not the whole list.

  1. You are a musician; music is basically the art of combining sounds and creating harmony in different sounds to produce a rhythm. Tell us please: What is the magic of abstract and harmonic sound that you use to treat disease?

– First of all, I would like to clarify the question: sound healing is basically not a treatment, it is restorative therapy: in the process, the participant regains his wholeness, the main work is carried out by his body and subconsciousness themselves (they activate restorative functions, release stress and destructive thoughts, return to healthy working vibrations of organs and frequencies of the brain). The sound therapist creates a safe space and atmosphere in which the participant can calmly immerse themselves and work with their internal psychological or bodily problems (and many body blocks in psychosomatics have their source, again in our head). During the session, the participants are very open and vulnerable, so the therapist must be quite delicate and careful in his work so as not to harm, to provide support at all stages; to create a harmonious and correct sound, contributing to the disclosure and smooth passage of internal processes.Magic lies rather in the openness of the master himself, the desire to help people who come to him to resolve their internal contradictions, or simply to find peace in the frantic rhythm of modern life.

  1. How you see the view, the future of sound Therapy? You are a modern guy; you should have an opinion …

– I see a great future in the use of sound therapy in many areas: recovery, relaxation and spa centers, in combination with classical medicine, in wind practices, yoga, music festivals and concerts, and so on.I see that every year there are more and more people interested in this area and I am very glad to share their knowledge live and through the Internet with the whole world.

  1. Can you become one part of the cultural movement for motivation in youth or new generation in your country and so than?

– Yes, I try to spread my knowledge gained from various masters around the world, put together in a single working model. To interact with young and experienced sound therapists to bring the quality of our field of activity to a new professional and generally accepted level.

  1. How can you help our world become a better place for living?

– Unfortunately, the world is so arranged that it is impossible to change it. The world must itself want to change. We can by our example (healthy lifestyle, sound thinking, adequate actions, proper nutrition) serve as a vector, direction for him, give an alternative to role models imposed by mass culture and media resources.

  1. Have you more word to say or suggestion for our readers?

– I wish your readers a clear view of things and the right choice on their own life path. And have a good day?

Interview by: Azad Karimi (Qelam.com)


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