One complete training for those who have decided to choose the profession of sound healing therapist.
Format: Private Training In-Person (Ubud, Bali, Indonesia)
Duration: 7 days (50 hours)
The cost:
- 1 person: 3200 USD;
- 2 person: 2700 USD per person;
- 3 and more: 2200 USD per person.
The cost for regular group training:
- 2000 USD per person.
Special conditions: -10% discount for the purchase of singing bowls in our store.
Is it a proper course for me?
If you are a sound enthusiast in any way – either you love to play or listen to the music,
If you are willing to explore and learn new things and if you want to become a sound guide for others – this program is designed for you.
It’s a complete course for those who want to gain the profession of Sound Healing Therapist.
“Professional Sound Healing Master Course” is ideal for Sound Healers who want to upgrade their skills, for Yoga & Meditation Teachers, Reiki Healers, Body and Mental Health Therapists. It’s perfect for those looking for a more passionate, meaningful, and engaging life, committed to healing and serving others as guides.
No previous experience of Sound Therapy or musical background is required to attend this course.
This course is perfect for you if:
- You want to experience the healing power of sound and voice;
- You’re on your path of self healing and transformations, feel compelled to share your wisdom and experience with other spiritual seekers;
- You are a musician looking to explore the therapeutic power of voice and instruments;
- You are a therapist who wants to incorporate sound into your healing practices;
- You have no prior knowledge of sound healing but feel a deep calling to discover and explore this field.
Discover the Healing Power of Sound and Become Certified Sound Therapist!
Embark on a journey of sound to heal and transform your life and the lives of others.
Learn with leading Sound Therapy Trainers and integrate sound into your existing therapies and everyday life.
In just 7 days of profound training you will gain all the necessary skills for your new profession as a Sound Healing Therapist.
Meeting with Himalayan & Crystal Singing Bowls. Level-1.
Theoretical part:
- Introduction: Explore the origins and evolution of singing bowls, their effects on the human body and mind. You will learn about the process of production and materials used to create singing bowls. Various applications of singing bowls, from meditation to self-healing practices.
- Types of bowls: A broad overview of all existing types of bowls, their shapes and functions. You will also get guidance on choosing the right instrument for your needs.
- Accessories: Explore all types of mallets and surfaces used for work with Singing Bowls.
- Notes and Frequencies: You will learn how to Identify different sounds, frequencies and notes of singing bowls, how they interact with energy centers (Chakras) and brain waves.
Practical Experience:
- Working Techniques: Master various methods of sound extraction with Singing Bowls.
- Self-Chakra Balancing: Achieve inner balance and harmony through special practice with a Singing Bowl;
- Diagnostics: You will learn how to use a singing bowl for self-diagnosis;
- Contact Self-Massage: Practice contact self-massage techniques to release your body from clams and blockages on a physical level;
- Voice Opening: Discover the power of your voice while singing with Crystal Bowls for a self-healing transformative experience.
Practical Consultation:
You will be advised on how to transport, store and maintain your singing bowls.
Shamanic Sound Healing (Himalayan Singing Bowls). Level-2.
Preparation and Setup
- Organization of the space for session;
- Art of the altar: importance and preparation.
Interaction with Participants
- Pre- and post-session engagement with participants;
- Rituals and practices for setting intention;
- Support and guidance of the guests.
Meditation with Singing Bowls
- Connection between energy centers (Chakras) and elements of nature;
- Scenario of conducting immersive shamanic sound healing session;
- Use of additional tools and musical instruments in sound therapy;
- Guided voice meditations for entering and exiting meditative states.
Effects of the sound
- Psychosomatics: sound and vibration effects on the human body;
- Brainwave impact: synchronization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain;
- Managing trance state: techniques for raising and calming of energy during the session.
Practical Techniques
- Sound intervals and harmony;
- 2-bowl and 3-bowl techniques;
- Working with Chakra Sets (7-14 bowls);
- Exploring various sound patterns;
- Using additional musical instruments during the session;
- Working with an assistant or partner.
Gong Meditation. Chakras.
History and Fundamentals
- Explore the origins and evolution of singing bowls, their effects on the human body and mind. You will learn about the process of production and materials used to create singing bowls. Various applications of singing bowls, from meditation to self-healing practices.
Types of Gongs and Mallets
- Exploring the variety of Gongs and mallets;
- Comparing different mallets and sounds they can produce.
Practical Application
- How to tune and prepare for the Gong Meditation;
- Various techniques of working with the Gong;
- How to extract different sounds from the Gong;
- Key areas to play for optimal sound and Chakra Balancing;
- Understanding gong consciousness and energy flow;
- Hands-on practice with detailed guidance.
Metal & Crystal Tuning Forks. Handpan. Flute. Harps. Voice opening.
Types of metalic and Crystal Tuning Forks:
- Notes and Frequencies;
- Contact and Non-Contact Chakra Healing.
- History and types of Handpans;
- Techniques of playing: practicing & improvising.
- History and types of Flutes;
- Techniques of playing: practicing & improvising.
History and Types of Harps:
- Egyptian Harp;
- African Harp (Kora/Ngoni);
- Persian Harp (Santur);
- Techniques of playing: practicing & improvising.
Voice Opening:
- Breathing techniques;
- Practice with shamanic drum: feeling of rhythm and sound;
- How to use voice throughout the session.
Angelic Sound Healing (Crystal Singing Bowls). Level-2.
Preparation and Setup
Meditation with Singing Bowls
- Scenario of conducting high frequency Angelic Sound Healing;
- Use of additional tools and musical instruments during the session.
Practical Techniques
- Sound intervals and harmony;
- 2-bowl and 3-bowl techniques;
- Working with chakra sets (7-14 bowls);
- Exploring various sound patterns;
- Using additional musical instruments during the session;
- Working with an assistant or partner.
Sound Healing Exam
Vibration-Acoustic Massage (“Non-contact Massage” / “Chakra Balancing”) Level-3
How to work individually with the human body through a non-contact method (the bowls are held close to the body, vibrations are felt inside). This is a deep work with subtle bodies and energy flows. Working with Chakras and Energy Centers. Schemes, steps and sequence of work.
Preparation and Setup
- Organization of the space for session;
- Art of the altar: importance and preparation.
Interaction with Participants
- Pre- and post-session engagement with participants;
- Rituals and practices for setting intention;
- Support and guidance of the guests.
Chakra Balancing with Singing Bowls
- Scenario of the the session;
- Use of additional tools and musical instruments during the session;
- Guided voice meditations for entering and exiting meditative states.
Practical Techniques
- Precautions in work during Chakra Balancing;
- Types and techniques of bowl activation;
- Amplification Techniques;
- Chakra Balancing practice: steps and techniques for raising and calming of energy centers during the session;
Benefits of using singing bowls in massage therapy
- Diagnostics During Massage;
- Structure of the Human Energy Body;
- Psychosomatics: sound and vibration effects on the human body;
Vibration-Acoustic Contact Massage. Level-3
How to work individually with the human body through contact methods (placing the bowls on the body; work with the physical body). Practical application on the human body. Schemes, steps and sequence of work.
Preparation and Setup
Interaction with Participants
Contact Massage with Singing Bowls
- Scenario of the the session;
- Use of additional tools and musical instruments during the session;
- Guided voice meditations for entering and exiting meditative states.
Practical Techniques
- Types and techniques of bowl activation;
- The sequence and steps of performing vibro-acoustic massage;
- Sliding technique
- Massage practice with 5 bowls (lying on the stomach);
- Massage practice with 3 bowls (lying on the back);
Benefits of using singing bowls in massage therapy
- Diagnostics During Massage;
- Psychosomatics: sound and vibration effects on the human body;
- Precautions in work during Contact Massage;
- Positive effects.
**The schedule of the program days may vary depending on circumstances.
School reserves the right to make changes to the sequence of events to ensure the best experience and to adapt to the needs of the participants.
During the training students are provided with all the necessary materials and equipment.