Mapacho 10 gr (Nicotiana Rustica) (Ecuador)

500,000 IDR

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SKU: PLT-022 Categories: ,


The plant Nicotiana rustica, also known as Mapacho, is an indigenous medicine of South America, where it has been part of shamanic rituals for centuries. It is considered a sacred teacher plant, capable of healing humans at all levels. It is therefore treated with the utmost respect and its use within various ceremonies is highly structured and conscious.


Shamans use the Mapacho plant to induce various visionary experiences in which they are able to commune with nature and deepen the spiritual dimension of their lives. Visionary experiences have also been the basis of their creative work. The original sacred chants and paintings of the Aborigines were created precisely from inspiration in altered states of consciousness.

The original users also believed that tobacco had powerful healing properties and so it was used to heal humans at all levels. Due to its presence of MAO inhibitors, tobacco also has antidepressant effects, helping to relieve mental and physical tension.


Store in a dark environment. It is advisable to wrap it in a paper bag. It can be stored at room temperature, but ideally in the fridge.

Mapacho is sold as a collector’s item/incense.

Country of origin
