Ajo Sacha Root Powder (Mansoa Alliacea) (70 gr)

1,100,000 IDR

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SKU: PLT-015 Category:


Ajo Sacha (Mansoa Alliacea) is a shrub that grows in the upper Amazon rainforest and is similar in smell and taste to garlic. Translated as “Wild Garlic” or “Forest Garlic”.

Aho Sacha is the gentlest of all plant diets, yet it is considered one of the most important and powerful teacher plants. Universal healing plant, adaptogen. The maximum healing power is concentrated in the roots of the plant.

It cleanses the energy body of impurities and fills it with all-pervading light. During the diet, a clear meditative state occurs and vivid or lucid dreams occur, in which the spirit of the plant carries its messages.

The Aho Sacha light symbol is usually perceived as a powerful male spirit, like a father, who protects us, strengthens us and rids us of what is no longer useful to us, helping us determine what we really want and focus on our goals. A true Master, he works day and night, in dreams and through introspection, offering his advice in the form of bursts of clarity, inspiration and new visions.

Traditionally used to banish negativity, it helps us distance ourselves from harmful thoughts and behaviors, gain insight into our lives, cope with situations, and move on. He is also an excellent protector and has earned an excellent reputation as a hunter of energetic parasites and entities that we sometimes let in without even realizing it.

Very often, Aho Sacha is used over several weeks in preparation for important plant medicine ceremonies, it purifies, clarifies the path to be followed and allows the mind to focus on its intentions of transformation. Also after the ceremonies, Aho Sacha is used for deeper integration of the lived experience.

Traditionally, Indians use Aho Sacha as an “opener of the way”, to drive out evil spirits, to sharpen reactions and instincts before hunting, to attract good luck.

Main effects:

  • Antidepressant, tones, revives the fire in oneself, lifts the mood, strengthens the body and mind, increases the joy of life;
  • Motivation, Courage, Focus, Integration;
  • Sensory, mental and emotional clarity;
  • General strengthening, moving forward, fighting stagnation, healing injuries.
  • A valuable revelation of self-reflection and meditation, stimulates intuition and rich, vivid and memorable dreams and the delivery of messages through them.
  • The power of wisdom and maturity.​
  • An ally in the energy work of healers and shamans, it provides stability during journeys into higher realms.
  • Clarity, improved hunting senses, accuracy and insight in sensory, extrasensory perception, intellect.

Effects on the physical body:

  • analgesic, pain reliever;
  • treats or prevents arthritis;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • treats fungal infections;
  • antihistamine, relieves allergies;
  • treats high blood pressure;
  • anti-inflammatory agent;
  • antipyretic;
  • reduces spasms;
  • soothes cough
  • antiviral;
  • detoxification, removes toxins and waste products from the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cellular protection of lungs, kidneys, brain;
  • antiseptic effect.

Usage keys:

  • Very effective for use with a specific intention over an extended period of time  .
  • A very powerful tool to use before and after initiations and ceremonies.
  • Supporting high frequency work – supporting vibrational work in the higher realms – ally of lightworkers, healers, energy practitioners, etc. protects, aligns, guides
  • It is recommended to spend time in silence and introspection during this diet.

Mode of application:

  1. Standard diet: Duration 2-4 weeks (1-2 packets). Brew 1 tablespoon (5 grams) in a glass of hot water (200 ml) overnight. Infuses all night. In the morning, the resulting tincture is filtered and drunk. Once a day.
  2. Enhanced diet: Duration 7-14 days (1-2 packets). The tincture is drunk twice a day: infused at night and drunk in the morning; infused during the day and drunk in the evening before bed.

Recommendations for an enhanced diet:

  • remove salt, sugar, spices from your diet;
  • exclude sexual contacts;
  • reduce or eliminate any social interactions (including social media) and spend as much one-on-one time with the plant as possible.
  • eat bland, tasteless foods (for example, oats, rice (white/brown), potatoes, cucumbers, avocados, broccoli);
  • focus on your inner world, meditate more;
  • draw, write, sing, play musical instruments;
  • To do yoga;
  • walk in nature;
  • focus on your goals and dreams.

Contraindications: Not intended for pregnant and lactating women.

Weight, gr