Jaw Harp “Cricket” (+ wooden case)

1,800,000 IDR

In stock (can be backordered)

SKU: JHR-015 Category:


This jew’s harp, like “Petrel” and small “Alpha” is distinguished by hardness of the tongue. But in spite of this, this instrument maintains the sound for a long period of time. Cricket is quite a loud and expressive instrument due to the hardness and the length of its tongue. Playing this jew’s harp will be easy even for beginners, although, after listening to a recording of a melody played on it, one can have an impression that it is not.

Complex rhythms, interlaced lengths of sound waves — all of this creates a unique melody every time you play “Cricket”. Dynamic, sonorous and moderately stiff jew’s harp will not impede your enjoyment of a quiet and meditative play “for yourself”. By means of the extremely small gaps between the frame and the tongue of the jew’s harp, Dmitrii Glazyrin with his creative collective have attained an unbelievable sensitivity and responsiveness of this musical instrument.

Dimensions: 85 × 30 × 4 mm
Gaps: 10-80 µm

Base frequency: 95-100 Hz

Reed hardness: 160-180 gf

Frame hardness: 250-350 gf

Reed size: 60×15 mm

Notes: ~G2



Country of origin


Weight, gr



Stainless Steel