Cacao Ceremony is a special sacred process of opening the heart and filling it with love. It is considered one of the best practices that helps to consciously return attention to the present moment and be filled with love before any other activities.

Ceremonial cacao is a powerful medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years in South America to communicate with the gods and is revered as a sacred plant. Organic chocolate and special natural supplements containing a balance of ingredients and energies that connect the spirit and vibrations of the heart, activating a special and loving frequency in each person.

Cacao Ceremony is meant to connect with our inner compass. With the help of special meditation and rituals, we will make a trip inside ourselves to learn more about ourselves, find peace and clarity. The spirit of Cacao allows you to let go of the obsolete and be ready for a profound transformation.

Cacao Ceremony takes place in a small group (up to 10 people) in a space free from criticism and tension. Everyone gathers in a circle, shares their intention for the process, transmits and receives love through cacao.

• eliminate emotional blocks;
• let go of past relationships;
• understand ourselves better;
• connect with the inner source of creativity;
• improve concentration and functionality at work and at home;
• improve therapeutic work with people;
• work through your experience in yoga and deep meditation.

More about ceremonial cacao:

Properly prepared cacao, according to the recipe, contains an increased level of theobromine, which produces beta-endorphins. These hormones are directly responsible for feelings of calm, relaxation and happiness. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. In addition, cocoa contains a small amount of other endorphin substances directly responsible for emotions. It stimulates the pleasure centers and gives a constant feeling of love. It contains natural antioxidants, which are mainly used to protect against heart disease and also help prevent degenerative diseases and cell aging.

Cacao also affects the sphenoid bone located at the middle part of the base of the skull, where the pituitary gland is located, which is stimulated by the high content of theobromine contained in ceremonial cacao and helps us awaken the third eye (sixth chakra) and heart (fourth chakra).

Short ceremony (2 hours, without bonfire):

  • 250 USD (4.000.000 IDR) – 1 person
  • 340 USD (5.500.000 IDR) – 2 person
  • 140 USD (2.200.000 IDR) per person for group 3 and more person

Long ceremony (3-4 hours, with bonfire): temporary not available

Cacao Ceremony Oleg Malokhatko
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